Kathy Bennett, D.C.

Chiropractor Serving in Caldwell, ID

About Kathy Bennett, D.C.

We are dedicated to providing total health and wellness care to the community of Caldwell and the surrounding area. We provide care to all ages including newborns and children. We strive to promote the optimum functioning of all body systems, thereby preventing disease and strengthening the immune system.


Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Nutrition, Supplements, Wellness

Provider was Reviewed 16 times

16 Reviews / 35 Surveys

4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended


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Bobby & Gary

Dr. Bennett is always our first choice when we need anyone to help our body get straightened out. She does it right the first time!


I had a horrible neck and back nerve injury from a 2002 incident, when a man had picked me up into the air, playing around, and I was dropped on my head onto a concrete floor. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sit without raising my arm straight in the air, (for some sort of relief). I was just miserable! I went to Doctor Bennett in 2008 for an adjustment, (my 1rst time to a chiropractor ever), she said that it was the loudest pop she had heard for awhile. I went only one more time after that, a month later. I have never had the pain return from that injury and this is 2016! (8 years later)

Reviews for Kathy Bennett, D.C. in Caldwell, ID Chiropractors in Caldwell, ID

Contact Kathy Bennett, D.C.


(208) 454-9000


1721 S 10th, Caldwell, ID 83605